
Colors are power

Colors are power

Colors affect us every moment. The eyes see, the cells experience. The blind feel the colors from the vibrations. Colors can delight and depress, heal and make you sick. They are the energy that affects whether we like it or not.

Knowledge of the properties of colors is a great help to ourselves and. in understanding each other. With our positive color choices, we can improve our quality of life. Choosing clothes in the morning rush may be based on what is clean, but also on a subconscious understanding of what color you need today. In the face of tough negotiation, many grab an encouraging red, depressed orange.

Moving around in nature calms and soothes the wounds of the soul. A big thank you for the effect falls on the green, which is the color of harmony. The effects of colors have been studied a lot. Fun, amazing, even confusing results are enough. Did you know that violent prisoners condense in a pink cell and that students do better in exams than others if their exam book is on the yellow table?

No one would buy dirty brown washing powder or blue soda. Baby diaper rash heals faster in blue than red diaper cloths. In the orange fast food place, sales are fast and customers are not left in vain. The burgundy twilight of the atmospheric restaurant orders more alcohol than the white-green lunch restaurant. Gray-red meat will not attract the buyer unless sprinkled with plastic parsley and peppers. With the business world able to bounce us off so skilfully with their color choices, shouldn’t we be familiar with the subject ourselves?

The joys of the rainbow

The rainbow always delights. Perhaps the longing for color that lives within us makes us seek happiness from the end of the rainbow. It has been said that a healthy person radiates all the good aspects of the colors of the rainbow. We are then in harmony with ourselves and our environment. Radiate like a rainbow to others, don’t blackmail anyone, it will smudge your own being. The world is exactly the color each of us paints in our minds. After all, on some days the sun will shine in your mind, even if the sky is covered with a thick layer of clouds. Sometimes, on the other hand, the mind is found only in gray, even though the sun is gold with all its rays. By thinking about beautiful colors, dressing them, choosing them for home, we can wash away worries. Be happier.

Choose wisely

There are no false or true colors – judgments don’t belong in the color world. There are only more or less colors or shades to suit the situation. When choosing colors, the guideline should be what you feel and not anyone’s sharp advice. If a color feels your own and feels good, it is undoubtedly the right choice. However, if you’ve been wearing clothes of the same color for years, maybe it’s time to stop and think about why you do this. What does your color choice tell you? Sometimes the reason can be fear of change, mental stuck. Especially gray, brown, dark blue and black are colors that are easy to stick to. Behind them, as if retreating to safety. However, the basic nature of life is movement. Change is natural, healthy. Soft and bright colors can help you accept yourself and your life better. They can help over the adolescence.

All colors have two sides: lights and shadows. When used excessively, the positive effects of color can be reversed. Colors tinted in gray also reduce the good sides of the color. The broken colors are gentle on the eye, but they also come with brown earthyness. It is not always a desirable effect, for example in depressive states.

Moderation for the painter

Choose the colors of the walls, floor and furniture carefully, as you will spend many hours a day surrounded by them. If you do not want a disco atmosphere in your home, prefer light, clean tones. In the bedroom light blue or light purple contributes to sleep. Gentle peach and pink are also suitable. The bathroom comes in turquoise blue, water green and bright shades of blue. In the nursery you can prefer cheerful colors, but preferably only on small surfaces, unless you want the children to fall upstairs even at midnight. You will feel comfortable in the living room if you can find light and dark brown, but also stronger colors to bring life to life, even if only as sofa cushions. The kitchen is an active place, however, not suitable for hosu. You can give a light background color with orange, olive green, electric blue. In the kitchen, let your preferences blossom. . Green plants bring home the necessary green healing and harmonizing effect. Cut flowers can miraculously brighten up.

Are you restless, passionate, nervous? Prefer shades of blue and green, avoid excessive red and orange. Are you an unattainable and timid at home skimmer? With orange, yellow and red you get a vibe. Maybe just necking the right color cushion is enough.

Naturalness is a trump card

Colors are an advantage in natural materials. Their healing properties also come out better than synthetic fibers. Clothes and textiles dyed in natural colors have particularly attractive shades. Nature has an unmistakable eye for color. Even the most blatant parrot looks stylish in its outfit.

Prefer cotton, wool, linen, silk when dressing and at home. You will find that you will feel more comfortable, your body will feel better. Sensitize to colors, and their message will begin to open up to you all by itself.

Red threatens power

Red is like life itself – it is the color of blood, heart and fire. As powerful, demanding, it arouses passions and activates. Dynamic red is full of primitive instincts, desire for life, certainty. In bright, pure shades, red reflects love and the birth of a new life. That’s why it’s such a good color for people who are tired, anemic and wandering in life. Red warms the frostbite, makes the blood circulate faster, raises the blood pressure and injects the vibe. No wonder studies show that subjects cycled the fastest in red sweatpants.

Red stops at traffic lights – it requires vigilance and efficiency from us. It has emerged that the pace of workers ’work is rising significantly in the red environment. The number of errors is also increasing. Too much is too much, especially in red. Who would manage to stay in a glowing red room for a long time. It makes you restless, impatient, and especially hostile and selfish in shades of gray and brown. Red is the color of the wise, and is not quite suitable for a sudden, violent, or very domineering, ruling person. A person with heart defects or an epileptic should be careful with red, it may put too much strain. Stress and red do not go together. Pink is a safe choice. Do your hands and feet freeze in winter? Get red tassels and wool socks.

Orange invites me to the party

Orange is one smile and a joy. Lively and sociable, it quite attracts hospitality and playfulness. It is said that orange is a balancer of emotions and intellect that brings out in us a desire to serve one another. In many religions, orange is considered a sacred color and a symbol of the sun, it is like a legacy of vitality and enthusiasm. If you love orange, you will love life! It lifts you from depression, loneliness and fatigue. Creativity is associated with orange, but also a more secular appetite. An orange cloth on the abdomen is said to improve digestion and help with air, kidney and bile problems.

For modern man, orange is a particularly important color, after all, hospitality and the desire to serve another bridge between people. It creates new ideas and broadens the mind. But with orange, too, one can go to extremes. Overflowing use of orange in clothing and at home can lead to restlessness, superficiality, and a destructive desire for pleasure. Enjoy lots of orange dishes like carrots, pumpkins, chanterelles, apricots, oranges. Especially in winter, they increase vitality. Orange gives more courage and is especially suitable for asthmatics.

Yellow brings joy and hilarity

The sun is shining – life is like playing. Yellow brings sunshine to us even in the middle of a gloomy winter. It is the color of light – a hilarious symbol of thought and intelligence. A happy mind and optimism flourish in the yellow light. It delights and brings humor with it. One pediatrician said his little patients healed even faster when his reception room was painted sunny yellow.

The lavish yellow, especially in dirty shades promotes deception, bitterness, and critical thinking, no one or anything really seems valid. The use of yellow is particularly well suited for nervous fatigue conditions, constipation, liver disease and diabetes. Yellow improves digestion as well as skin symptoms such as rash and itching. It has also been found that yellow promotes the healing of rheumatoid arthritis.

The golden yellow comes with the nobility of real gold. It promotes loyalty, eternity, generosity, true higher wisdom. The saints are depicted surrounded by yellow light. Gold is crystallized sunlight. The use of gold jewelry is said to make it easier for a person to go through the crises associated with aging.

Green balances

Green is nature’s own color, soothing and harmonious. It increases wisdom, understanding and harmony, acts as a bridge between warm and cold colors. The greenery of nature calms and recharges us, as if we could find our inner self more easily. It is said that green is the color of the heart, balanced, healing and refreshing. It breathes the freshness and youth of spring and the abundance of nature. Green is used to soothe heart problems, high blood pressure, and tension. Apple green has been found to be particularly good for soothing an agitated or shocked mind as well as calming overactive children. Moss green is suitable for nerve problems and heart symptoms. Natural greenery always has a balancing effect on our whole being. Eating green vegetables is also highly recommended.

Green opens us to love nature and animals like our brothers, to feel connected with all of creation. Gray and brown greens can cause indifference, stagnation, and degeneration. Greed for money is associated with excessive preference for green. By the way, have you noticed that green is a common color in banknotes?

Blue soothes

Blue stabilizes and slows down, calms the mind, calms the nerves. It is the color of the spirit that helps us discover our inner being, our spirituality. Ball, bright blue is the color of dreams and intuition. In its peace, dreams and soul landscapes thrive. Blue soothes emotional storms, which is why it has been used successfully for over-aroused, restlessly anxious patients as well as fluttering animals. Blue is attached to the throat area and it helps us express ourselves more clearly. The saying I feel blue in English describes the very blue side. It can make a person tired, apathetic and invisible. Also cold and indifferent. Sky blue is associated with longing and sublime feelings, perhaps that is why blue fits our flag so well. Light blue has a strong antiseptic in our body, anti-inflammatory and curative effect. It is widely used for rashes, fever, sore throats, pediatrics, convulsions, heartburn and headaches. Light blue has also helped many with menstrual cramps and insomnia.

Night blue brings security

Dark blue reflects peace of mind, serenity and loyalty. It helps us get rid of our fears, we also face the darker side of life. Notice that it is just a shadow in the middle of the light. Excessive use of dark blue can make a person breathless, unreliable, narrow-minded and boring. Then yellow, orange and red help.

Indigo widens

Indigo is a blend of dark blue and purple. It’s an impressive color that helps us see our life mission more clearly. With Indigo, we learn to listen to our inner voice, to rely on intuition. There is a lot of help and clarity in Indigo. The desire to criticize others disappears with the help of indigo. It also arouses in us a desire to explore the invisible world, to seek the truth. Indigo has a cleansing effect on the body, it strengthens bones, calms the nervous system, glandular function and rheumatic symptoms. Insomnia, rashes and stomach ulcers are also treated with indigo. Indigo is a demanding color. If you go into excesses in using it, you can become more intolerant, religiously fanatical, and rigid.

Purple breathes

Great religious leaders have always dressed in festive shades of purple. Indeed, it is the most “spiritual” color, with vibrations that are fine and fast. Purple is described by the words humility, sacrifice, helping others. It is the color of the highest self, spiritual, calming, and stopping. Purple cleanses us deeply, at the cellular level. It encourages us with creativity and a desire to serve humanity, to bring light, love and peace to the world. This color helps artists find inspiration, as well as restore their peace of mind and serenity.

Purple evokes strong emotions, and not everyone tolerates this challenging color. Its spirituality tests especially those who are very attached to the material world, money and goods. Overuse of purple can manifest as unreality, intolerance, hypersensitivity, and high volatility, leaving everyday problems untreated. The legs are off the ground. The opposite color yellow restores balance. Violet has many healing properties. It is used for mental disorders, nervous disorders, excessive appetite. However, violet is not recommended for very depressed patients. Blue and green are better for them.

The following colors are not directly from the rainbow, but when used a lot, still need their explanation.

Lavender blue comforts the grieving

Fragile, light purple makes it easier to get over grief. It’s great for convalescents, but once the healing is done, it’s better to prefer warm colors.

Pink creates harmony and peace

Pink is a delicate, temperate color. It reflects universal love, a belief in the beauty and goodness of all people. Pink creates balance and helps to solve awkward situations harmoniously. In prisons, good results have been obtained by putting hostile and aggressive patients in pink rooms – fiery feelings are captured.

This color is full of hope and joyful anticipation. It is suitable for babies and life-hardened, thick-skinned people. The flip side is in this innocent color, too. Used lavishly, it may represent unreal naivety, a refusal to face the shadow side of oneself and one another. All in all, though, it’s the color our world seems to be most in need of right now.

Peach cleanse

Peach red is a blend of red, yellow and pink. It combines many great qualities like brightness, purity, innocence, honesty, clarity. Peach is a good color for anyone who wants to bring freshness and sensitivity to their lives. It increases creativity and joy.

Brown provides security

It is as if the mother mother embraced, as if she were safe from the soil, hidden from the cunning world. Brown is the kind of person who wants security, regularity, certainty. It is a very mundane color, like carpenter’s work, autumn decaying leaves, rust.

Brown is a soothing color that is pleasing at home after a hard day’s work. Chocolate brown is suitable for a restless flatterer who has kept purple or red for too long. Excessive preference for brown, especially the use of dirty shades in clothing and decor, can make a person isolated and stagnant. Security turns into fear of change. However, the basic nature of life is flow.

Gray does not take a stand

Everyday, humble and shy. The army marches in the gray, the school uniforms of many countries are gray, the bureaucrats are shrouded in gray. It reflects the character of very gray in a rather neutral, meaningless color. It calms but also depresses. Who would be able to get excited about original, creative thinking in a gray environment. It is obvious, then, that there is no desire to encourage soldiers, schoolchildren or bureaucrats to engage in peculiar, crackling action. It is unfortunate that agencies and mental hospitals are painted uniformly gray. It promotes indifference and negativity.

Black does not give

Black has absorbed all the colors, it doesn’t give anything away by itself. Indeed, black has been considered a color of grief, a little scary and mystical in almost all cultures.

So why is it such a common color in clothing? That may be the message of the plaintiff: don’t get too close, I’m not going to reveal anything about myself. In the midst of grief, it helps to focus on inner feelings and go through the work of grief. The allure of youth for black speaks of rebellion, a reluctance to adapt to community rules. Today, it probably also has a real dose of invisibility. The future is painted in dark colors on the front. At worst, a tenacious black cladding can be a sign of deep fatigue in life, an inability to see light anywhere. Black is a color that gets stuck easily. Its heavy essence can be lightened with all light, pure colors. If you have kept black for a long time, turquoise is an excellent color to break the spiral, to open the door to light, to life.

White speaks of purity

White light contains all the colors of the rainbow. The white garment reflects the full spectrum of colors in the viewer’s eyes. When complete, it reflects well such words as purity, hope, justice. White lightens the feeling and is especially suitable for warm summers, when it cools and gives space to the soft colors of nature. In white clothing, she feels open to everything, more receptive and more giving in human relationships as well. However, excessive preference for white in both home decor and clothing can sometimes lead to unnecessary criticism, absoluteness. It’s like against your own whiteness everyone else’s or home’s stains appear too obvious. Fostering purity has become the essence of life. The whiteness of the nursing staff’s clothing inspires confidence.

Black and white clarifies

Black and white in both clothing and interior design is quite popular nowadays. It’s an interesting combination that tells the user about the inner world, for example, that he wants clarity in his life. It brings determination to thinking and is good if you have to make a lot of quick decisions or are facing a big choice situation in life.

If a person begins to accept only black and white, there is a danger of a certain kind of rigidity and literally a black and white view of life. As if there were just right and wrong things done. Yet things rarely are clear on this or that. Being right is a very relative thing. Soft, light colors round corners and make black and white more humane and more approachable.

Color breathing is effective

Color therapists do not grow on every branch, especially in Finland. No worries. You can make effective use of the healing powers of color by using your imagination and inhaling colors within you. If you find it difficult to imagine colors, you can practice it by taking, for example, an object or thing that is characterized by a certain color. The orange is orange, the Christmas is red, the sun is yellow, the summer sky is blue, the grass is green, the indigo is dark jeans. Lesser-known colors like purple, peach, or turquoise can be better imagined if you get different colored pieces of fabric, cardboard, or paint.

Here’s how color therapy works at home: Sit down, take a few deep breaths. Exhalation should be clearly longer than inhalation. It relaxes the body and mind quickly. Imagine inhaling some color, let it spread all over your body, bathe in it. Imagine how it washes away slag, fatigue. During exhalation, you can imagine blowing out gray, which is slag from your body and mind. You are getting better and better all the time. If you’re having trouble deciding what color you need, Imagine that a rainbow washes you or that you’re standing under a waterfall where you can get the color or colors you just need. Trust that your body knows what it needs.

Written by hcolorcode

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